Glenn Escrimadora - founder of ScriptwriterPH (free resource) website, web developer, freelancer, technical writer

I'm Glenn Escrimadora, it's good to see you here!

About Me

A bit of introduction on my career background.

I am a Web Developer having a flair for creating elegant software solutions. Way back in 2016, I started working as a Junior Associate Dev Support Engineer at 20xe Solutions Inc. — a software solutions company. That’s the company that taught me the basics, both hard and soft skills. We basically work on Linux distros such as Centos and RHEL, enjoying pushing hand made source codes, that’s our way to make the world a better place! It is a real success for me to developed and deployed lots of web projects for various clients and brands. Thanks to Ben Francia, the company owner, for his great leadership, non-stop training programs, and weekly workshops. That kind of unique opportunity brings me knowledge and skills in the field of Digital Marketing, Web Design & Development, and many more.

ScriptwriterPH In A Nutshell - Why I Created It?

The year 2017 when I created this site, at that time it is nothing but a personal web page to put on my resume and portfolio. It serves as my online journal where I put my valuable conducted research related to IT; very helpful in case I want to re-read some topics. Then these ideas of blogging come, convinced me to publish more content and make it publicly available. Letting people read and share their ideas here is a big opportunity to form a knowledge base forum. Now, ScriptWriterPH is a free resource site for creating and sharing content primarily about web development, programming, and other IT related topics.